The Artist
Pablo Picasso
- Known as: Most famous 20th-century painter
- Born: 25 October 1881, Málaga, Andalucía, Spain
- Birthname: Pablo Ruiz Picasso
- Height: 5' 4"
- Died: 8 April 1973, Mougins, Alpes Maritimes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
Born October 25, 1881 in Málaga,
Spain. Picasso's gargantuan full name, which honors a variety of relatives and
saints, is Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los
Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Clito Ruiz y Picasso. Picasso's
mother was Doña Maria Picasso y Lopez and his father was Don José Ruiz Blasco,
a painter and art teacher. A serious and prematurely world-weary child, the
young Pablo Picasso possessed a pair of piercing, watchful black eyes that
seemed to mark him out for greatness. He remembered, "When I was a child,
my mother said to me, 'If you become a soldier, you'll be a general. If you
become a monk you'll end up as the pope.' Instead I became a painter and wound
up as Picasso."
The Work
"The Kiss" 1969
The Kiss was painted a day before Picasso’s 88th birthday at his home at Mougins along the Côte d'Azur, where he lived the last fifteen years of his life. In May 2008, The Kiss was sold for $17.4 million, the highest price ever paid for a post-1960 Picasso painting. The two profiles meld into a single line in a cinematic close-up; the noses crash, folding into the shape of an eight, the bulging eyes go up toward the highest point of the forehead as it bends backward, and the mouths are devouring each other. Picasso made a single being out of two expressing the carnal fusion brought forth by the act of kissing. Never had erotic power been suggested with such realism. (p.458 Ultimate Picasso)
The Kiss 1925
It makes demands on us. We have to disentangle what we see, gradually discovering at the top, amidst the seeming chaos of loud colours and contrasts, mouths locked in a devouring kiss; a figure at left, holding another in an embrace; an exploded backbone atop straddled legs. But what looks like a mouth or eye, soulfully intimate, is in fact a vagina about to be "eaten", and at the bottom of the picture we are provocatively confronted with an anus - balancing the composition in ribald parody of classical laws of composition. Not until late work done in the 1960s did Picasso again treat sexuality thus.
My Reaction
This is a great example of Picasso's use of bold expressive lines to create drama and a dynamic composition. There are three other versions of this painting before this one, all equally eye catching, but in different ways by use of colors, hand placement, composition, shading, and brush strokes. Even with all these differences in each painting, Picasso stills has a way of making you feel like you yourself want to grab and KISS somebody.
Work Cited
3. Leal, Brigitte, Piot, Christine, Bernadac, Marie- Laure. The Ultimate Picasso. Harry N. Abrams, INC. 2000. Print